“China has 1.4 billion people. Of that total, 400 million are under 14 years old (the whole size of the United States). Until about a year ago, China had been practicing the one-child policy and recently changed the policy to two children. The impact of the one-child policy is still felt. With this kind of bio-environment, children's ministry becomes very important for evangelism. When you reach one child, you have the potential to reach two parents and four grandparents—six total.
Children’s ministry is a crucial part of discipleship, evangelism, and planting the seeds of leadership development. We give out children's Bible storybooks (that include biblical applications). When children take the storybooks home, they read it with their parents and grandparents, giving them all the possibility to be impacted by the Word of God.”
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Children’s Ministry
Established through the local church, this strategic children’s ministry creates environments of fun, belonging, and care where children can experience the truth of God’s Word, the power of the gospel, and the consistency of a caring leader as they become life-long disciples of Jesus.
As a result of legal restrictions on what churches are allowed to do, it is not possible to have a “typical” children’s ministry in China. Yet, in the midst of both exponential growth of Christianity and significant restrictions (especially on children), God has given an overflow of grace on this children’s ministry, allowing them to play a significant role in bringing many sons to glory in this very strategic nation.
Pray that as children in China hear the gospel and are filled with the Word of God through this ministry, that they would hold fast to the truth and recognize the lies of propaganda fed them in school.
This ministry serves children all across China.
Pray that God would raise up a generation of children who pass on the truth given to them and then train up their own children in the way they should go so they do not depart from it (Proverbs 22:6).
A major aspect of this children’s ministry is to provide Christian training in healthy family dynamics, including marriage counseling, how to raise children, and overall family relationships. This includes providing materials for churches in China, as well as evangelistic programs and resources targeting children, especially children’s Bibles developed specifically for Chinese.
Many children who receive Bibles and come to know Jesus are the key evangelists to their family, reaching up to six adults—two parents + four grandparents. This strategy is especially powerful in the Chinese context of multi-generational households, with all attention being focused on the only child, whose behavior is dramatically improved after trusting Christ!
Pray that God will multiply this ministry in every province of China, and that every child who receives a Bible will believe in Christ their Savior, and through them God will lead their parents and grandparents to know Him.
Prayerfully consider supporting this fruitful children’s ministry!