North Korea Needs the Bible
When I was in school [in North Korea], I had never read a book. I got scored by threatening teachers with a knife. I really hated reading that much. I graduated from school and lived as a robber, hitting and harassing many people to become famous in the neighborhood.
I Have Overcome the World
I would like to share with you my experience under Communism and how my story has shaped my understanding of the value of human life and all of life.
Abortion Healing
I remember before we came to Deeper Still Retreat, the abortion was mine and Dan’s secret. Even though we had the abortion together, we couldn’t talk to each other about it. Especially when we argued, I could feel bitterness in my heart towards Dan.
Amid the Pandemic
Since the pandemic has died down in China, the church has been even more mobilized to engage in evangelism … One unexpected outcome of the pandemic has been its positive effect on relationships.
A God Who Uses Evil for Good
China's history from 1949 to 1976 under the rule of Chairman Mao Zedong was a period of unparalleled economic changes, educational advances, and ideological shift. It was a time marked by famine, genocide, and disastrous policies.
Meeting Jesus
Since they could not get him to Jesus because of the crowd, they made an opening in the roof above Jesus and, after digging through it, lowered the mat the paralyzed man was lying on (Mark 2:4).
Joy in the Inner Heart
I have been running an old folks’ home. I have distributed many Bibles to these old people and their children. I felt very happy and excited… But in my deep heart, I have been troubled by some things.
China’s Survivalist Culture
China’s long history of conflict and scarcity has deeply impressed Chinese culture with a survivalist mindset.
A Tested Faith
Two testimonies of those in China whose faith was tested and how they proved faithful.
Light Out of Darkness
A co-worker shares how the futility of man’s philosophy, the horror of June 4, 1989, and the faithful witness of his mother and grandmother drive him to Christ.
In the Wake of the Coronavirus
The conoravirus has changed the dynamics of ministry in China. Many cities were locked down. Many people died. Many students moved to doing school through distance learning.
Strategic Synergy
We can’t let fear of a merely “social gospel” diminish the glory of God by withdrawing His love from everyday life.
A Sabbatical Lifestyle
Culturally in China, times of rest are rarely built into the rhythm of life. Church and ministry leaders can find themselves after many years experiencing burn out, exhaustion, or even on the brink of falling into depression.