Global Chinese

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There are around 50 million global Chinese in the world, making them a ubiquitous and economically powerful portion of the world’s population. In light of this, mobilizing global Chinese believers to reach the unreached in China and other parts of the world is of strategic importance.

For one, global Chinese have the advantage of not having a foreigner’s face. This allows them to play a distinctive role in leading other global Chinese to Christ, as well as unreached people groups, which in turn, could have a multiplying effect.

Global Chinese Population

Brunei: 63,500

Cambodia: 617,178

Canada: 1,084,472

Cuba: 112,044

France: 250,545

French Guiana: 11,566

Guam: 2,518

Indonesia: 9,068,154

Italy: 180,293

Madagascar: 60,439

Malaysia: 8,653,337

Pen. Malaysia: 6,018,030

Mauritius: 38,837

N. Marianas: 7,515

Palau: 308

Taiwan: 23M

Nauru: 1,559

New Zealand: 120,497

Panama: 52,627

Philippines: 1,591,486

Reunion (Africa): 29,298

Singapore: 3,588,825

Suriname: 78,652

Thailand: 7,359,038

United Kingdom: 434,909

United States: 2,223,488

Vietnam: 2,314,747


Facts About Global Chinese

  • Chinese who live in other countries vary widely in their cultural expression.

  • They are divided between Mandarin and Cantonese speakers, meaning services in other countries must be provided in these two different languages.

  • In 1949 under the leadership of Mao, a modern form of Chinese text called Simplified Chinese (SC) was made the official script of China as a way to encourage literacy. However, for Chinese living in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Macau, and overseas the more complex, traditional form of Chinese script is still used.

  • Pray that “love issues from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith” (I Timothy 1:5) among believers in the global Chinese church.

  • Pray that global Chinese believers, while uprooted from their country, would be rooted in Christ, built up in Him, and established in their faith so that they would not be taken captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition (Colossians 2:6-8).

  • Pray that the global Chinese church would have more than an appearance of wisdom but walk in the understanding that in Christ they have died to the elemental principles of the world (Colossians 2:20-23).

*Statistics taken from Operation World (2010)