Pray for North Korea

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Father God, we pray You would bind up the brokenhearted, proclaim liberty to the captives, and open the prison to those who are bound in North Korea. Amen.


PRAY for North Korean women living in the misery of human trafficking and forced prostitution. Pray that the Lord would visit the victims suffering from indelible wounds, showing them His abounding love and mercy so that He becomes their healer and savior.

PRAY for God to open the border of North Korea and set His people free to worship Him!

PRAY for God to end North Korea’s short-range missile tests into the Sea of Japan. The costs involved to build and test two missiles could be used instead to provide three days of meals for the entire population of North Korea.

PRAY that the Holy Spirit will be present with North Korean Underground believers who are imprisoned by confessing their Christian faith. Let those who will be martyred put on the full armor of God and look upon the glory of the Lord.

PRAY for endurance and growth of faith for underground believers during this time of suffering.

PRAY that Kim Jong-un's evil plans to carry out a bloody purge and strengthen his power base through fear will collapse and that there may be an advance of the preaching of the gospel instead.

PRAY that the loving arms of the Father, the provider of the poor and the father of the fatherless, will hold and embrace the people who suffer without food. Pray that He will nourish their body and soul, fulfilling their need by His miracle-working power.

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