On our last trip to China, I was struggling with the question of why we were going. Having known Christ most of my life, I had always thought that in going to a foreign country, it would be for the primary purpose of presenting the Gospel. That was not our primary purpose in our case – or so it seemed. We were going to train leaders how to resolve conflict in a manner governed by love.
Then a friend said to me:
Pastors of house churches are quitting at an alarming rate. We are hearing that this is happening primarily because they are experiencing conflict with others that they cannot resolve!
Whew! Suddenly, I knew why we were going to China and why it was so important. The family of God overseas (just like everywhere) needed help in knowing how to get along.
I also saw how our going did in fact still contribute to sharing the gospel. Most of the world’s religions teach not only of their god, but that their god sent a voice or prophet into this world as a messenger. In John 17, we read when the world sees that Christians are one, the world will know that the TRUE prophet sent by God is the God/man named Jesus.
So, by helping believers know how to get along and become one even as the Father and Son are one, we are pointing them to Jesus as the sent One, the one and only who can save the world. And for that we are most excited!
Read Resolving Conflict in Marriage
WHO WE AREThe ministry of PLEDGEtalk is to train individuals, families, and organizations how to build unity in relationships through the use of a 6-step sequence in dialogue to process conflict and create helpful conversation. It is driven by a pledge to value others and love well.
For 30 plus years as a marriage and family counselor, I have witnessed how couples and families lack the awareness and understanding of what is required to live in peace and harmony.
Very few of us grew up learning how to process conflict – an experience we all encounter in relationships. At best we might have had someone tell us what not to do. What is needed however, is a step-by-step guide that enables us to talk through conflict and come back to love. PLEDGEtalk is that guide.
Pray for there to be a growing recognition of the need to focus on peacemaking in order to build unity in the body of Christ.
WHAT WE DOWe teach the PLEDGEtalk process to individuals, families, and entire organizations both here in the U.S. and abroad. We do so in person, through online training, blogs, books, and other resources. Our book, The PLEDGE of a Lifetime, has recently been translated into Mandarin.
Pray that God would connect us to specific individuals and organizations who understand the value of peacemaking. Pray that we could find ways to collaborate and add to each other’s work.
FOCUS PROJECTWe are developing a 3-year mentoring program to raise up individuals and couples from around the world who are passionate about bringing peace and building strong relationships with those in their immediate circle of influence and wherever else God might lead them. In so doing, our hope is they would bring the fragrance of Christ to such a degree that others would want to know Him!
Pray that God would connect us with the right team members to grow the business and organizational side of the ministry.
Consider becoming a monthly Vision Partner and give financially towards workers that would help us with technology and translation!