Amid the Pandemic


Report from the Field

Since the pandemic has spread throughout China, the church has been even more mobilized to engage in evangelism.

Another unexpected outcome of the pandemic has been its positive effect on relationships.

Many Chinese, who before were distracted by consumerism and material success (and a dog-eat-dog mentality), found their material possessions of little value in the face of a potentially deadly virus. For many, it threw the meaning of life into perspective -- What really matters?

Reports from communities are that they experienced less internal quarreling and complaining. Instead of finding fault with one another, people began to value their shared experience, getting together and talking in the shops, on the street, on the bus and in the train station.

This changed attitude also helped the church to focus on what's most important and work together to engage in evangelistic ministry.

Some of our connections have reported that since the police have been distracted with the after-effects of the virus and related duties that many churches are able to gather without interference from the authorities. At the same time, in terms of national enforcement, the crack down on Christians in China has become even more pointed and widespread. Many pastors are going into hiding.

It is always good to keep in mind that China is a vast and varied country and that the political and religious climate can differ from region to region.

Pray that the unifying spirit and a renewed ministry focus for many believers brought about by the pandemic would produce great fruit. Pray for greater boldness to evangelize, and for perseverance and wisdom for pastors who have gone into hiding.


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